Norman Lloyd - Hollywoods äldsta skådespelare
Häromdagen nådde skådespelaren, regissören och producenten Norman Lloyd en stadig ålder på 101 år. Vilket gör Norman Lloyd till den äldsta aktiva skådespelaren i Hollywood, skriver Mentalfloss. Nyligen kunde vi se honom i Judd Apatow och Amy Schumers komedi Trainwreck, men innan dess har han gjort mängder av TV och filmframträdanden och arbetat med flera av Drömfabrikens största namn.
Nyligen i en intervju med The A.V. Club, beskrev Lloyd hur det var att arbeta med jättar som Alfred Hitchcock, Jean Renoir, Charlie Chaplin och författaren Roald Dahl.
Om Alfred Hitchchock:
Hitch changed my life. I mean, I worked on and off with him over a period of 38 years. Not all the time, of course, but first with the picture Saboteur, and then I did Spellbound. Then I laid off for awhile, and then he’s the one who put me back on the television show [Alfred Hitchcock Presents].
Lloyds och Hitchs samarbete begränsade sig inte till skådespelar-regissör-rollerna utan Lloyd fick även regissera hela 19 avsnitt av Hitchcocks TV-sere Alfred Hitchcock Pressents.
Om hur Orson Welles (som han tidigare arbetat med) reagerade på en hyllning åt honom:
Although time went on, and years later we appeared together on a tribute to Orson. Each night of five weeknights was a tribute to a different phase of his career, and I was asked to speak of what he brought to the theater and to film. And after that evening, all of us who were involved in the evening, like Kenneth Tynan, the critic, and so forth—we gathered on the stage to say hello and goodbye, at which point Orson embraced me in this tremendous embrace and whispered in my ear, “You son of a bitch.” And that was the last time I saw him! [Laughs.] I took it as a mark of affection.
Om Roald Dahl:
I knew Roald. We did many of his stories on "Hitchcock" [Alfred Hitchcock Presents]. He was brilliantly talented and a pain in the ass. [Laughs.] But he was okay. I mean, what the hell, with the ability to write those stories, let him be what he is!
Om Charlie Chaplin som han spelade mot i Limelight (1952):
Oh, Charlie… You’re talking about a genius. That’s enough: a genius.
Om Robin Williams som Lloyd arbetade med i Döda poeters sällskap (1989):
Never in the wildest speculation would I ever think that Robin would do what he did. You just never know with guys.
Om Judd Apatow:
I’d been familiar with Judd Apatow’s reputation, but I hadn’t seen his work before he asked me to be in the film. I enjoyed it enormously, I must say. [...] I enjoyed working with Apatow very much. He was terrific.
Om Amy Schumer:
I’m very fond of Amy Schumer. I think she’s terrific, an enormous talent. You know, I was brought up in classical theater, so I was rather startled when doing the improvisation at one point with Amy and she turned to another actor and said, “Well, fuck you!” And I thought, “Well, my goodness: I’ve really made it into modern society!”
Du hittar hela intervjun på The A.V. Club, den är väl värd att läsa igenom!