Milla Jovovich ventilerar sina åsikter angående Resident Evil-reboot

Precis när du trodde att skräcken var över, landade bomben: Resident Evil äntrar reboot-fabriken! Produktionsbolaget Screen Gems har tagit sikte på hela sex filmer av tv-spelslicensen och ingen mindre än skräck-kungen James Wan står som producent.
Nystarten tycks dock inte endast mötas med hurrop och ovationer. Originalseriens stjärna, Milla Jovovich tycks bära på en del blandade känslor kring projektet. I en intervju med ComicBook.com fäller hon följande, dräpande kommentarer:
They’ve announced a reboot? Okay, well good luck with that. I think a lot of people with these franchises kind of put the cart before the horse. There’s a danger to that. They’ve been wanting to reboot Resident Evil for a long time, and listen: I love the Resident Evil world. I think it’s a great property, I would do it if I was a producer. I think what made Resident Evil so special is that the people involved really loved what they’re doing and really were fans of the game.
Jovovich fortsätter med att ge hennes tips till de kommande filmskaparna:
I would suggest that you find people that have that same passion for the property before you talk about reboots. I think if you get into this kind of genre, people are very sensitive to fakes. There’s some real fans in the sci-fi/action/horror world, and they’re not idiots. They can smell when something is done because people love it and when something is done just to monetize an opportunity.”
Personligen anser jag att reboots är ett fenomen som jag hoppas snart tar sina sista andetag. Dock tillhör Resident Evil en serie filmer som desperat behöver nya kreativa ögon. Vi får hoppas på mirakel.