Mark Hamill reder ut Star Wars-dispyt
Star Wars-stjärnan Mark Hamil har ett och annat att säga om regissören till The Last Jedi.
I slutet av maj publicerades ett reportage om Star Wars: The Last Jedi i Vanity Fair där Mark Hamill uttryckte sig på ett sätt som fick många läsare att höja på ögonbrynen.
Under intervjun ska han ha sagt följande om filmens regissör Rian Johnson:
“I at one point had to say to Rian, ‘I pretty much fundamentally disagree with every choice you’ve made for this character. Now, having said that, I have gotten it off my chest, and my job now is to take what you’ve created and do my best to realize your vision.'”
Detta uttalande har tolkats negativt av många fans. Förvirring uppstod också eftersom Hamill lovordade Johnson under Star Wars Celebration i april. Hamill har därför nu gått ut i Variety för att förklara sin kommentar.
“Rian Johnson is an amazing filmmaker, and if you look at Brick or Brothers Bloom or Looper, each film is different from the last one and they’re so inventive. I think people will be pleased and surprised, I know I was. I got in trouble, because I was quoted as saying to Rian that I fundamentally disagree with everything you decided about Luke, and it was inartfully phrased. What I was, was surprised at how he saw Luke. And it took me a while to get around to his way of thinking, but once I was there it was a thrilling experience. I hope it will be for the audience too.”