Dan Aykroyd skyller Ghostbusters-problem på Paul Feig

Dan Aykroyd skyller Ghostbusters-problem på Paul Feig

Axel Diedrichs
Uppdaterad 01 juli 2021 kl. 17:15 | Publicerad 05 juni 2017 kl. 10:00

De fyra kvinnliga stjärnorna i Ghostbusters

Även om den nya Ghostbusters-filmen drog in mycket pengar var den ingen direkt succé. Detta kan ha berott på stora och kostsamma extrainspelningar, som regissören Paul Feig först avstod från att göra och menade var onödiga.

Dan Aykroyd i Ghostbusters

Det var surt på insidan, menar Dan Aykroyd -  tidigare stjärna i franchisen och en av producenterna för det nya projektet:

The girls are great in it. Kate McKinnon, Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig – what a wonderful, wonderful players they are – and Leslie Jones. I was really happy with the movie, but it cost too much. And Sony does not like to lose money. It made a lot of money around the world but just cost too much, making it economically not feasible to do another one. So that’s too bad – the director, he spent too much on it. He didn’t shoot scenes we suggested to him and several scenes that were going to be needed and he said “nah, we don’t need them". Then we tested the movie and they needed them and he had to go back. About $30 to $40 million in reshoots. So he will not be back on the Sony lot any time soon.

2018 kommer nästa Ghostbusters-film, men vem som regisserar den är ännu inte känt.