Brian Singer ger tillbaka mot hatet
Brian Singer, regissören till den uppkommande filmen X-men: Apocalypse, har nu adresserat och besvarat mycket av den kritik som internet har riktat mot filmen.
När Oscar Isaac för första gången visades i kostym som mutanten Apocalypse i trailern var fansen inte nöjda. Klagomål angående karaktärens färg, längd och röst spred som löpeld runt på nätet. Vissa jämförde skurken i den uppkommande filmen med en karaktär ur Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, vid namn Ivan Ooze.
I en intervju med IGN svarade Singer på många av kommentarerna riktade mot karaktären Apocolypse.
“There was an image released on Entertainment Weekly, where the effect hadn't been put in yet, so everyone was -- the effect has a pink light on it, and everyone got lit up pink, so people thought Apocalypse was going to be pink. I was like, 'No, no, they're all pink. Take a look. Everyone in the picture is pink. It's a pink picture.' They maybe just should have taken the pink out of the picture -- I should have taken the pink out of the picture. I'm going to take some blame for that. My fault, not Entertainment Weekly's. That's the picture I gave them.”
Entertainment weekly fotot som nämns I citatet:
Slutliga och efterbehandlade versionen av Apocolypse:
“So then people were like, 'He's small.' I'm like, 'Okay, I got the same s*** when I cast a six-foot-three actor to play five-foot-four Wolverine. I got the same s*** when Quicksilver's very sweet, 1970s costume was released on an Empire Magazine cover.' You know, every time. I could have made him a giant through the whole movie, or some muscle-bound guy who can't act -- I could always do that. But the reality is, among his many powers -- and you will see him change size -- but among his many powers is his power of persuasion, and it was very important that he'd be able to connect with his horsemen, at their level, and that he'd be played by a guy who can actually act like Oscar, who's a fantastic actor.”
“[The first X-Men: Apocalypse trailer] was simply Oscar using his normal voice -- which is wonderful; his performance is fantastic -- but that was never the intention. We just needed those words to govern the first teaser. So people thought, 'Oh, wait, is that going to be his voice during the whole movie?' It's like, no, but to tell the story of the first teaser, we needed the voice, and I hadn't recreated the voice yet.”
X-men: Apocalypse är den senaste filmen i 20th Century Fox Studios serie med halvt rebootade X-men filmer. I denna följer vi återigen James McAvoys och Michael Fassbenders versioner av Professor X och Magneto. I filmen ser vi även nya skådespelare, så som Game of Thrones-stjärnan Sophie Turner och pojken som överraskade publiken 2012 i Mud, Tye Sheridan.
X-men: Apocalypse har premiär den 18:e Maj.